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So When You Build It, They Will Come
While you can have the greatest idea, and develop a cutting-edge web solution, without a marketing plan that guides vision to execution, all too often development initiatives will lose sight of the big picture and fall short of delivering real business value.
We help you develop a strategic plan that leverages marketing best practices to increase the value of your web technologies and your online marketing initiatives. In doing so, we explore:
- What are your business goals and your barriers to growth?
- How are you – and how can you be – creating differentiated value for your customers?
- In what ways can marketing-driven development promote industry thought leadership? Open your business to new markets and new revenue streams? Render your competition irrelevant?
We blend online and offline marketing services to help create the best possible solutions for your business needs – that optimize your websites, your digital presence and your brand value, including:
Interactive Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC)
- Online Marketing, PR and Social Media Strategy
- Website Analytics and Conversion Tracking
- Email Marketing
Strategic Marketing
- Business, Brand and Go-to-Market Analysis
- Brand Strategy and Architecture
- Consulting
- Brand-Marketing Plan
- Brand Development
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